The Kingdom Investor

72 - A Journey of Leadership & Mentoring

Daniel White Season 1 Episode 72

Join Daniel White, the host of the Kingdom Investor Podcast, as he interviews Kevin East, the president and CEO of Mentoring Alliance. In this episode, they delve into the importance of leadership, the power of mentoring, and the significance of investing in God's Kingdom through family and community. Kevin shares his personal story, including his experience with cancer, fostering and adopting children, and his passion for teaching kids about money management. Discover how embracing humility and following Jesus can transform your leadership and leave a lasting impact on those around you.

Key Points:
1. The transformative power of relationships: Mentoring Alliance focuses on connecting godly mentors with children and families to provide tangible help and eternal hope.
2. Investing in God's Kingdom through family: Kevin shares his journey of fostering and adopting children, emphasizing the importance of using our families to bless and impact others.
3. Trusting God in leadership transitions: Kevin recounts a pivotal moment when he trusted God's leading and left a ministry without knowing where he would go next, resulting in divine guidance and growth.
4. The significance of following as a leader: True leadership begins with humility, a willingness to empower others, and a focus on people rather than processes.
5. Prioritizing family as the greatest investment: Kevin emphasizes that investing in his own children has been the most impactful and rewarding investment he has made.

Key Quotes with Times:
1. "Relationships change lives. Programs don't. Relationships, do." - Kevin East (5:59)
2. "How can godly people invest their own families for Kingdom purposes?" - Kevin East (9:38)
3. "Living beyond ourselves and blessing others can bring true fulfillment." - Kevin East (13:36)
4. "Great leaders have a foundation of humility and a willingness to follow." - Kevin East (21:26)
5. "The greatest impact I'm gonna make is through the kids that God has provided for me." - Kevin East (25:02)

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